I got this from a friend on MySpace!
Willow Creek / seeker sensitive church news (please read)
Willow Creek has recently announced that, based on intense research, the "Willow Creek" style seeker-sensitive church model DOES NOT WORK. After 30 years and millions of dollars and thousands of churches influenced, it's a failure. That's right, a failure.What does this mean? It means that millions of people, both Christians and non-Christians, have been misled and misfed for over a quarter of a century now.I have heard this described as the biggest news in evangelical Christianity in a century. I have also heard it compared to the damage Dr. Spock did to child rearing .
I agree with both.If your church is beginning a seeker sensitive program, I seriously recommend stopping. If your church is based on the seeker sensitive model, I recommend finding another church.
It may "feel great" but it is not a place to be fed and seriously grow as a Christian.Christ is Truth, not "felt needs"-based business models intended to fill seats disguised as places of worship.
I do not dispute Willow Creek's intentions were well placed, but ANY time we depart from the hardness of Truth because it makes people uncomfortable and we want an easier way, we are opening the door to trouble and lies.
As Bob Burney puts it (linked below): "If you simply want a crowd, the 'seeker sensitive' model produces results. If you want solid, sincere, mature followers of Christ, it's a bust."
And (more importantly) as the Bible puts it: "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;" 2 Timothy 4:3
Related Links:Video - Bill Hybels (Willow Creek founder and senior pastor) on the "wake up call of his adult life"http://revealnow.com/story.asp?storyid=49
Video - Greg Hawkins (Willow Creek executive pastor) discusses the research showing the programs have failedhttp://revealnow.com/story.asp?storyid=31
Willow Creek Repents? (by Diana Butler Bass)http://blog.beliefnet.com/godspolitics/2007/10/willow-creek-repents-by-diana.html
A Shocking "Confession" from Willow Creek Community Church By Bob Burneyhttp://www.townhall.com/Columnists/BobBurney/2007/10/30/a_shocking_%E2%80%9Cconfession%E2%80%9D_from_willow_creek_community_church
Audio - Way of the Master Weekend Show Nov 3, 2007http://podcast.wayofthemasterradio.com/audio/podcasts/1107/WOTMR-11-03-07-Weekend.mp3*Also some good info from Ravi Zacharias concerning apologetics
Leo is 3 months today :)
15 years ago
I heard this and I admire the way Willow Creek has stepped up and have realized that cheapening the Word of God isn't good to say the least. I haven't looked at the rest of the links you provided yet. Just wanted to say a hearty AMEN.
Just watched the video with Bill Hybels-just a couple of thoughts:
How scary and awakening it is to think you are doing what God wants and find out "we got it wrong". And was it wrong? They have led thousands to God and now God is showing them that this is now the direction to go. I don't think we are ever going to have faith all figured out. I pray that the Holy Spirit is constantly guiding us and not letting us become complacent. That we are questioning and talking and praying and seeking and being still.
Dawn, weren't you reading a book about the guy who sold his soul on e-bay and went to Willow Creek church and it was one of his favorite places? Or am I just delusional?
Joyce, I haven't checked out the links yet, but I too say AMEN! It's very dangerous when we try to make Christianity something less than it is to appeal to others. Christianity has some hard truths. And, what many people nowadays don't want to admit, there is a right and a wrong. There is A TRUTH. It is THE truth. TRUTH does not vary from person to person. It is not a subjective experience.
Sorry, I'm getting into my issues with new-age religions...
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