Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What Book(besides the Bible) has changed your life?

I read that question several days ago and have been left pondering about the answer.  There is no way I can come up with ONE book to answer that!  Even as I am typing I am wanting to get up and grab a couple more books!  


It might seem strange that I would have a novel as one of my books but reading the story of this child who walked so close to his Heavenly Father really touched me.  It was sad to see the things that came into his life that started to distort the perfect relationship he had with God.  It helped me realize why I had an easier time than my peers in recognizing who God is.  I grew up with no TV(well, Dad did rent one when the US first landed on the moon and when President Kennedy got shot) and with a family who faithfully had family devotions on a daily basis.  In my early teens we went to church every day but Saturdays and Mondays(Mom and Dad needed Saturday to prepare for Sunday's services and Monday is the Sabbath for pastors)  The book served the purpose of reminding me to keep my mind pure.
This book woke me up to what a life of prayer can be like!  It changed my prayer life!
I knew about spiritual warfare before reading this book but my spiritual walk changed after reading this book.  I am so glad I found my Jesus early in life!  
Though I walked confidently in my identity in Christ prior to reading this book, it gave me words and understanding of my identity.  It seemed that I became more thrilled in Kingdom Business after gaining these understandings.
Oh wow!  Such strong truth in this book!  Offense!  It truly is the bait of Satan!  How much of it do we see right in the church?!?!?
I will catch myself feeling offended by someone but then smile and say, "Oh no, you are not getting me on this one!"   It is much easier to release the offense and not resent the one who offended me!

It has been awhile since I read these books!  I think I need to read each one of these again!