Friday, September 08, 2006


If I were to have another baby, I think I would name it Hephzibah! :?)
What do you think it means?


Scott Williams said...

anything like hepatitis?

Joyce Collins said...

Funny Scott!!!!!! Actually, you have an advantage about that name over others who might read my blog! That name is in one of the scriptures I referred to on your blog!!!!!!!! :?)

jonathandy said...

Well the good news is that child would be blessed more than anyone else on earth:

Stranger: "Hello, my name is Ted, what's yours?"

Hephzibah: "Hephzibah"

Stranger: "God bless you..."

Hephzibah: "..."

Stranger: "So...what's your name?"

Joyce Collins said...

:?) So does that mean....that since I cannot have any babies anymore, you will name one of my grandchildren by that name?!?!?!

Joyce Collins said...

So, no one has guessed the meaning of the name! It is in the Bible only once.
This reminds me of the question Dawn asked the teens years ago and I never heard the answer. I barely remember the question, but am still bugged that I never got the answer. I think it was a weird name for an angel...maybe another name for satan? What was that question, Dawn....and answer? :?)

Joyce Collins said...

Oops! It is in the Bible Twice!

Joyce Collins said...

Hepzibah---My Delight
Because God Delights in you.
I would like to be called God's Delight!!!!!
Isaiah 62