Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Does Everybody Lie?

I do not recall exactly what brought this up in class on Monday but I was accused of lieing by one of the students. I told him, "You know better! I don't lie!" A girl in the class piped up, "Oh, come on! Everybody lies!" I told her, "I used to, but I don't anymore!" Her response was, "Then you are a very unusual lady!"
Later on in the hour I pulled out my trusty palm pilot that has five different versions of the Bible loaded by Gary! I found this verse to share from The Message.

God can't stomach liars: He loves the company of those who keep their word.Proverbs 12:22

I showed it to her. I don't know if it meant anything to her or not but it left me bursting! I so wanted to burst out in the song that plays on my MySpace profile.

Just realizing that I don't lie because I do so want Him to delight in me as I delight in Him.

Sometimes I feel so stiffled! :?) Too bad I can't burst out in any song I want to when I am sitting in a Learning Lab (study hall like atmosphere) in a public school!


Lizzybeth said...

Oh my goodness...can you just imagine what those kids would do if you did bust out in song?! You should do it sometime and then claim temporary insanity!

Joyce Collins said...

I do sing in the Spanish classes! I teach them songs. I have seen some students jump in their seats when I start singing. I think I am singing soft, but they still jump!
Actually, your cousin was in the class this happened in. I don't know if she was aware of it though as she sits in the back of the classroom.