Wednesday, February 28, 2007

After God's Own Heart

I am currently reading this book. Here are some statements I just have to pass on!
  • The turbulent rivers of affection in God's personality flow strong, and yet we respond with the drip-drip of ritual or passionless worship. When Jesus said, in John 4:23, that God was seeking for worshipers, He was referring to the tremendous, fierce, fiery desire in His Father's heart. That love seeks out lovers to requite His passion, to understand His love, and to worship Him drenched in the desire He has for us. That's what it means to be a true worshiper.
  • David prayed that he would be able to drink from the river of the pleasures of God's heart (PS.36:8). God's heart was depicted as a river, even a raging, crashing river of rushing desire for human beings. David understood that God's heart is like whitewater rapids, tossing and tumbling with fierce emotions so strong and determined that they even drove Him to the extreme of being incarnated and hung on a cross. In His love for us, He would simply not be denied relationship with us, and so He pursued us to the very end. That is the God we serve!
  • You must intentionally pursue the revelation of God's heart and emotions to get the benefits. There is nothing passive about it. It's an aggressive hunt that requires as much energy and mental focus as any Olympic event.(Jonathan, you probably like that one! :?)
  • God likes us and wants to enjoy with us the pleasure of spiritual encounter with Him. There is nothing more exhilarating for us than plunging into that river of pleasure...He has invited us to drink from the awesome spiritual pleasures of having a divine romance with Him. I don't know about you, but the best moments in my life are when God says to me, "I really enjoy you(Insert your name)."
  • It is never a sacrifice to hang out in His presence, though many are bored during times of prayer and worship. ...When we look into His heart, He reveals to us what He looks like emotionally and what we look like to Him. The result turns our brains and hearts inside out. You can't get over it! It's like falling in love for the first time. He absolutely burns with love for you!
  • Beloved, we don't have to wait to experience the deep pleasures! God has ordained for the human heart to experience them even in this life. I'll go further and state that it's not optional for us to go on as generations have, without a transforming revelation of God's heart. In light of the mounting pressures at the end of the age, we can't afford to not drink of the pleasures of His heart. Our lives must overflow with constant delighted cries of, "O God, this is too good to be true. It's too magnificent to really be happening! But it is true! Beyond what I could hope for!" We want these testimonies of worship and adoration to flow from our spirits now and not just in eternity. We desperately need hearts anchored and sustained by an outrageous love that comes from another world.
  • Experiencing God is like riding a roller coaster that never ends but gets better with each curve. He smiles with delight and enjoyment when He gazes on each one of us. This strikes many people as strange. They are accustomed to relating to a God who is mostly mad or mostly sad when they come before Him. They imagine that He is either mad because they have rebelled, or sad and grieved all the time because His people are not dedicated enough.

Mike Bickle

OK, so there is more....guess you will just have to buy the book! :?)

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