Monday, March 24, 2008

Life Went On

So, I discovered that giving up blogging was definitely a good choice for fasting for Lent!

Though I did have a wonderful time in The Word, and listening to sermons, and reading books I found I really missed knowing what was going on in your lives!

There were several things that happened in my life that I wanted to blog about. Of course as I try to pull those thoughts up now I am wondering what those were!:?)

I went to the Passion For Jesus conference at IHOP. I was blessed through the whole thing. It was good to have a friend with me this time...and Gary joined up for part of it. I believe my favorite sermon was by Allen Hood. It was one of the best sermons I have ever heard on the cross. I have actually read over the notes a few times and re-listened to the sermon since coming home! It was good to have that during Holy Week.

Some of you have made changes in your lives during this time and it feels like I was actually out of the country and life moved on without me! I remember when Jonathan tried to tell me about blogging and I thought I would never get it and do that. Now, I just thank God that He gave the brains to someone to come up with this wonderful tool through which His people can bless one another!

Blessings on all of you!

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