Sunday, August 31, 2008

Silver Boxes

When you talk, do not say harmful things, but say what people need-words that will help others become stronger. Then what you say will do good to those who listen to you.
Ephesians 4:29(NCV)
...Say only what helps, each word a gift. (The Message)

Today we heard an excellent sermon on this scripture! I was reminded of a speaker I heard years ago, Florence Littauer. She wrote the book Silver Boxes that is based off of this scripture. She teaches that giving words of encouragement to someone is like giving them a gift wrapped in beautiful silver paper and a pretty bow on top.

As I was listening to the sermon I was also remembering the eight weeks I had my Sunday School class practice Ephesians 4:29. Each Sunday we had to show up to class sharing what specific thing we did that week where we applied Ephesians 4:29. I found that I could hardly wait to hear the stories my class would be sharing. That was 12 years ago and I still look back to that as a very special time.

I was thinking about families doing that very same thing! Just imagine if you specify one day a week when you gather to share your Ephesians 4:29 story...and then thank God for that wonderful opportunity!

That would be a glorious time!!!!

When I came home from the retreat where I heard Florence Littauer, I brought back a "silver box". It was on my dresser, or my mantle. People would ask about that silver box that never got opened. I used it to remind me to practice Ephesians 4:29.

After several years, it finally looked bad enough I threw it out!


I think I need to go out and buy some beautiful silver paper....and a beautiful bow....

and wrap up a box and put it somewhere to remind me of the importance of

Ephesians 4:29

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