Saturday, August 11, 2007

Stop and Smell the Roses...

Early this spring I ordered a hummingbird garden. I posted those plants all around my back yard so that I could attract hummingbirds all over the back yard. I have been complaining that now that I have a hummingbird garden I don't even get hummingbirds! Yesterday as I was watering the plants I screamed as something big was about to land on my face! BIG? Well a hummingbird is big when it is "in your face"!!!!!! As I continued watering I got to thinking about the fact that Gary has built so many gardens for me that I spend more time working them than sitting back and enjoying them. I determined this morning that I would sit back and watch and see if indeed I have attracted hummingbirds. Oh yes!!!!! You cannot imagine the delight I experienced this morning as I sat and watched many hummingbirds going from one flower to the next. Butterflies, bigger than the hummingbirds intimidating the birds! What attracts hummingbirds attracts bees as well. I saw so many different kind of bees. Some actually competing with the birds!
As you can imagine I was in a state of great delight! While in that "intoxicated" state I heard from Father.
He said, "Joyce, did you know that my delight when you come into My presence is even more than what you are experiencing now with the birds & butterflies and bees?"
Oh folks...He delights in us and we just keep being busy with all the "important" things that keep us from coming into His presence.
I'm in love with God....God's In Love with me!

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