Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Do Birds Suffer From Empty Nest Syndrome?

In the last few days I have been enjoying watching parent robins feeding their babies. Yesterday morning as I watched them I literally prayed this prayer, "Father, I would love to experience one of their first flights?"
This morning as I was out watering the plants(yes, I brought the rain on!) I looked up to see that the biggest of the babies had walked up to the top of the rain spout. Just minutes before I had watched it being fed. I talked to the little guy, "Hey, what is your mom going to do when she finds you clear up there?" Shortly after that it flew over to the rail on my kitchen deck! It went back and forth from the rail to the top of the chair. It let me come up the steps, go inside for the camera, come out and take pictures! I wondered if it would be able to fly back up to the nest. Instead, it flew all the way to the tree on the west side of my back yard!
I sure did enjoy that answer to prayer! Thank-you Father.
As the day has progressed it has been on my mind that God does listen to our simplest prayers! I was thinking about things I need to take more seriously and take more time and take them to God in prayer.
Prayer does make a difference! Time spent in prayer can change things!

1 comment:

Lizzybeth said...

What incredible pics!!