That baby is actually standing up on the plate!!!!! It is a red snapper. I would say it was one of the better meals I have ever had! So, if you are ever in Monterrey go to the fish restaurant called "Los Arcos". The service was out of this world! We had three guys by our table constantly aware of our needs!
Our adventure for the night was getting stopped by the police. The driver was from Spain, front seat passenger, born in India but is an American Citizen, back seat two men born in USA (one came without his passport...not Gary!) and me, born in Guatemala, but a US citizen!
I grew up in Latin America so I know about the stopping and then asking for bribes. However, I thought those bribes ran $25 to $50.
The breathalyzer test our driver got only consisted of the fact that when the window was rolled down the alcohol could be smelled. Oh yes, our driver had been drinking! Everyone else seemed comfortable with the amount he had had...but you know me...I was praying!!!!!
Two of the other men had topped off their dinner with a very unusual and strong tequila! The fumes at the table were new to me!!!!!!
Our driver was going to jail unless he paid his bribe! $800 dollars!!! No folks, not pesos....but dollars!!!!!!! Among the five of us we came up with $300 and that was acceptable!
Fortunately, we did not have to all show our passports! The one guy without his has it in process right now but needed to get down here and took the chance. Yep, that boy is being covered by my prayers these days!!!!
What an adventure. I would have been freaking out!!!!!
Joyce, for what we have been told by Mexican friends... you should be thankful because that policeman didn't call other policemen informing about your car. That's what they would usually do and the drivers (and passengers in your case) end up making "special payments" to several policemen in a row. Be careful!
Gladys Aparicio
Are you in America? I cannot believe that!! I bet Gary was all in a mess! LOL!!!
Ok, you aren't in the good ol' US, for some reason I thought you were in California...I am getting you confused with my other in-laws!!
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